Ponujamo storitve kontejnerskega prevoza na domačih in mednarodnih poteh s tovornjaki s posebnim namenom (tovornjaki s polprikolicami).
Pošiljke se dostavljajo na podlagi konvencije Združenih narodov za prevoz blaga po cesti (CMR), slovensko zakonodajo in prevozniki pa imajo zavarovanje civilne odgovornosti.
Inside Measurement: L- 39' 6", W - 7' 10", H - N/A or 6' 5" Door Opening: W - N/A, H - N/A Capacity 56.6 cubic metres – or it can protrude Cubic Capacity: N/A Waga max - 40.05 t Container Weight: 4,95 t Maximum Cargo Weight: 42,500 lbs
chłodzony podwyższony Inside Measurement: L- 38' 0", W - 7' 6", H - 8' 3" Door Opening: W - 7'6", H - 8' 2" Capacity: 67,3 Cubic Metres Cubic Capacity: 2251 Max. Weight: 28,4 t Container Weight: 4,1 t Maximum Cargo Weight: 41,500 lbs
Inside Measurement: L- 39' 6", W - 7' 9", H - 8' 9" Door Opening: W - 7'8", H - 8'6" Capacity: 76 Cubic Metres Cubic Capacity: 2700 Max. Weight: 26,48 t Container Weight: 4 t Maximum Cargo Weight: 46,300 lbs
Inside Measurement: L- 39' 6", W - 7' 9", H - 7'10" Door Opening: W - 7'8", H - 7'5" Capacity: 67,7 Cubic Metres Cubic Capacity: 2395 Max. Weight: 28,7 t Container Weight: 3,8 t Maximum Cargo Weight: 46,300 lbs
Inside Measurement: L- 17' 10", W - 7' 6", H - 7'5" Door Opening: W - 7'6", H Capacity: 28 Cubic Metres Cubic Capacity: 941 Max. Weight: 21,8t Container Weight: 3,2 t
Inside Measurement: N/A Door Opening : N/A Capacity: 24 Cubic Metres Cubic Capacity: 5600 to 6,100 Max. Weight: 26,67 t Container Weight: 5,33 t Maximum Cargo Weight: 33,500 lbs00
Inside Measurement: L- 19' 5", W - 7' 10", H - N/A or 7' 4" Door Opening: W - N/A, H - N/A Capacity 32 cubic metres – or it can protrude Cubic Capacity: N/A Max. Weight: 29,5 t Container Weight: 3,00 t Maximum Cargo Weight: 36,6
Inside Measurement: L- 19' 4", W - 7' 7", H - 7' 9" Door Opening: W - 7'7", H - 7'2" to 7'8" Capacity: 32,60 Cubic Metres Cubic Capacity: 1126 to 1149 Max. Weight: 21,7 t Container Weight: 2.30 MaximumCargo Weight: 38,000 lbs